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Teaching Experience

I have experience teaching both undergraduate students and high school students. I was a Teaching Assistant (TA) at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU) for 4 semesters. I taught high school physics, geology, and astronomy at the Stevens Point Area Senior High (SPASH) in Wisconsin for 3 years.


TA Experience:

  • Introduction to Geology lab (GEOL 1030)

    • Taught lab for 3 semesters

    • Served as acting instructor for this stand-alone physical geology laboratory course.

    • Included 5 field trips.​

  • Water, Energy, and the Environment: An Introduction to Earth Resources (GEOL 1150)

    • Taught recitation for 1 semester​

  • Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems (ASTR 3710)​

    • Taught recitation for 1 semester​


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